Monday, September 6, 2010

In the Beginning...

Greetings and salutations!

It's official - the blog fad is over. If anyone other than me is reading this, color me genuinely surprised. I figure in the life of this enterprise I'll get about five hits. And all will be from Google web crawlers.

So why blog?  Well, I'm in the process of an ugly, painful divorce and I need a creative outlet. I could study painting, photography or sculpture; but those cost money. One certainty of divorce is that it will take your money about six months after it takes your dignity. So I'm left with blogging.

My objective for this blog is to present my personal failure and pain for your general amusement. Like it or not, when it comes to divorce you need to laugh before you cry. This is my lame attempt to find a silver lining in the giant shit sandwich life has dealt me. Think of this as public therapy, but without the public participation. And if this indirectly helps anyone else going through a divorce I won't be upset.

At the request of my lawyer, I'd like to leave you with the necessary legal disclaimer. Everything here is fiction. None of these people are real and I made it all up. Any similarity to people living or dead is purely coincidental - especially the stuff about my ex-wife.


  1. Loved it! Very well said,and I admired the fact that you didn't say it's the males that get the short end of the stick.Yes women can be on the other side too! When I was midway through me divorce I had to set myself goals,short goals and long goals,this kept me from going insane! Never let go of learning, that's what life is all about.I never looked at my marriage as a "WASTE OF TIME".I learned a lot and even was able to get the best gift of life,my SON! I learned a lot about the process of divorce and no matter who the attorney is,they are out for only making that almighty dollar! No joke,it's a 50/50 split no matter how you look at it. Now you will be begin a new life,how many people get that second chance.They choose to stay in an unhealthy relationship.You now have your freedom,to eat peanutbutter right out of the jar,drink milk straight from the carton,and change your mind at a moments notice.It's all good :) and just a little FYI guide line,typically it takes men about 3yrs to get settled after a divorce(financially,emotionally,etc...) women take about 5yrs.That was my goal,and I did achieve it.You will find yourself doing things you never dreamed of doing,meeting people outside of the social network you have been comfortable in. Most important you will meet many many women who are a big mess! LOL We all love you and too many of us have been in your shoes and many dont know they will be eating your sandwich sooner then they ever thought, :) Good Luck to you,and believe me when I say you are in a much better place just wait and see. Call me anytime,get my number from my brother.Thinking of you Lisa G.

  2. You made me laugh already. My manager didn't think that was possible anymore.
    Cheers to group (blog) therapy.
