Sunday, October 31, 2010


One-thousand page views! I am shocked and honored. I am flabbergasted that this many of you are still pretending to read this blog after all this time. I suppose you are probably worried about hurting my feelings?

Good. Anything to keep you tuning in.

My posts have slowed down, mainly due to a dearth of interesting topics. I suppose this is a good thing since it means the drama level in my life is down. Way down. My biggest problem lately has been boredom - and that is a very, very good thing!

I need things to talk about. Drop me a line with whatever is on your mind, or post a topic to one of the comment boards. I originally intended this exercise to be a one way street, but I'm realizing that it's really a conversation. Pretty much every one of the last ten posts originated in something one of you either said or wrote to me. Face it, I'm simply not THAT interesting.

I'm looking forward to the end of the year. Knowing (and loving) my family as I do, the holidays should give a wealth of drama filled topics to talk about.

Happy Halloween! Be nice to the little ghouls and gremlins tonight and take care driving. Talk to you soon!


  1. Hey Bob, I've always been interested how you juggle your kids, the court appearances, your ex's weird behavior, and your job. With all the pressures to perform at work and then this nightmare happens; how do you keep your sanity? Look at it this way, it's really fortunate that you are in Product Engineering instead of Manufacturing! On the floor you get your ass kicked on a daily basis.

  2. Boredom is opposite of the Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times." I hope things keep headin up. That I-phone probably helps.

  3. I found a link you might like:
